Elizabeth Ducie - Which Route Should I Take Towards Publication?

Sunday 16th October, 2022

10.30– 12.30 Workshop 1: Elizabeth Ducie
'Which Route Should I Take Towards Publication?'

This workshop is designed to help new authors define exactly which route they will take towards publication. There are pros and cons to all publishing routes: traditional, indie or hybrid, and these will be reviewed to start with. But for someone who decides to take the indie route, the decisions don't stop there. A whole list of other issues needs to be addressed: which book formats; which distribution channels; which marketing tools etc.

The second part of the session works through a decision tree, helping the new indie to define exactly which route they will take. Questions are phrased from a business perspective. By the end of the session, the attendees will know which questions they need to consider. They will know the pros and cons of each option. They will have a structured framework for their decision making.


Elizabeth Ducie trained as a scientist and worked in the international pharmaceutical industry for nearly thirty years before deciding she wanted a complete change of direction. She gave up the day job, began studying the craft of creative writing, and now writes fiction and creative non-fiction full-time.

Website: elizabethducieauthor.co.uk

Facebook: @profile.php?id=100063575133088

Twitter: @ElizabethDucie

Instagram: @elizabeth_ducie_author