Sarah Adams - Munch and Music

Saturday 15th October, 2022

15.15 - 16.00 Child Workshop 5: Sarah Adams
'Munch and Music'

Sarah will read from her book Munch! plus there will be a voice and music session as well as colouring.

"She munched when the sun was high in the sky and when the rain was pouring down. She munched when the birds woke up in the mornings, and when the stars came out at night. She even munched when all the other cows lay down to sleep. Munch was so busy munching one day that she didn't notice the farmer open the gate into the next field. She didn't hear the gate creak, or the soft thud of of the cows' hooves as they walked through, step by step, and far away from Munch."

Most suitable for children from baby up to 7 years old.